Home DIY Re-use Imperial Candle Jars

Re-use Imperial Candle Jars

by Imperial Candles

Get crafty by re using your Imperial Candle jars with this simple DIY idea, which we absolutely loved doing!

Materials needed:
Golden Acrylic Paint (or any colour you would like)
Clean Old Brush
Mossing Twine
Paper Flower
Golden Confetti (or any colour you would like)
All-Purpose glue
Empty Glass Jar

Step 1: Once the wax level reaches 2 cm, remove any labels off the glass jar and clean it with hot water and detergent.
Step 2: Place the acrylic paint on a disposable surface and by using a clean brush apply the paint on the lower half of the glass.
Step 3: Once the paint has dried, secure one end of the twine with a drop of glue and then wrap the twine around the glass in as many layers you would prefer securing the end once again with glue.
Step 4: Glue the paper flower in the middle of the twine and the confetti on the other half of the jar in the preferred pattern.
Step 5: Add your favourite flowers and bring a bit of colour to your bedroom or use as a decoration.

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